Your idea of a perfect vacation involve the great service you are used to know from a hotel, but you want to stay inidividually and in a more private atmosphere? Enjoy your stay in Vienna at Duschel Apartments. Make yourself comfortable and feel like home in one of our serviced apartments. Spend your time regardless of the usual hotel meal times and experience the authentic sense of life of Vienna.esseninwien
Due to the central location of our serviced apartments it’s up to you how you want to arrange your personal vacation in one of the most beautiful cities in the world. Many of the famous places of interests and sights are easily to reach in walking distance. So you can take your time visiting the Stephansdom or shopping at one of the many stores in the city. The sights apart from the city centre are easily reachable with public transportation which you can find in short distance from our serviced apartments.
As your wellfare is important to us, members of the Duschel Family are taking care of you and make sure your vacation is exactly the way you want it to be. We are happy to assist you in all belongings – no matter if you need help to find the best restaurants or you want to know what is going on in the city whilst your stay. For the instance you want to cook by yourself we have a fully furnished kitchen with enough space for you and your fellow travellers. Beside that all of our serviced apartments are equipped with everything you need, like Free WIFI, TV, beddings and towels. Almost all our apartments have air condition.
Grant yourself the comfort of a serviced apartment and spend your vacation in your own individual and private way with the widespread service of the Duschel Family. Convince yourself and send us your non-binding request. We are looking forward to welcome you in one of the most liveable city in the heart of Europe.